“Blah” Content is Out: How Business Owners Need to Upgrade their Content to Conform to Google’s New Enhanced Quality Ranking Algorithm

Dale “DataDale” Filhaber
4 min readJun 4, 2024

The latest Google update, which was just rolled out in May 2024. There are several significant changes aimed at improving the quality and relevance of search results.

In this article, we’re going to focus on Enhanced Quality Ranking — which has a lot to do with your SEO and where your company will show up in page rankings.

Google’s Enhanced Quality algorithm has been updated to prioritize high-quality, original content over AI-generated or “blah” material. This enhancement is supposed to help users find more useful and relevant information when they do their searches.

Content Creators Need to Focus on Original Content

This new update reflects Google’s commitment to improving search quality. For content creators, this means focusing on producing high-quality, original content that genuinely serves user needs. “Blah” material will find its’ way to the bottom of the search heap.

Example of the difference between “blah” content and what Google would look at as high-quality content:

For this example, we are going to look at the topic: Benefits of Drinking Water. For complete transparency, I am using…



Dale “DataDale” Filhaber

DataDale Filhaber, president of Dataman Group Direct, is a well known author, blogger and commentator on lead generation and direct marketing.